Wednesday 7 January 2009

Online DVD marketing

Online DVD marketing and distibution of film benifates audiances by, presenting the films to the audiance more clearly by providing more imfomation on each film then they would usualy get from the DVD blurb. A lot of websites offer a plot slypnose and even reviews of the film writen by other people who have bought and watched it. Films are also easyly accessible because they are all databased by genre, name and audiance that would like it not only meaning that it is easy to find a film or a film of a scertain genre but also means that the website can offer films that you may be intressted by monetering what you are looking at. Films are also well advertized with lots of infromation about the film and its trailer as apposed to billboards and posters that you dont get a chance to look at, scattered around the city you live in and some times dont have all the relevant infromation. It also gives audiances a chance to learn more about film and dirrectors while purchacing films from the comfort of their homes.